Your child will learn about pedestrian safety by watching you, so use safe behaviour around cars, roads, footpaths and car parks – always stop, look, listen and think before crossing a road, and use pedestrian crossings wherever possible. Describe what you’re doing each time, so your child can understand why it’s important.

Always use the kerbside, rear passenger door when putting your child into his restraint. This way, your child will get used to always getting in and out of the car through the safest door – the one furthest away from traffic.

It’s important to be sure not to drink when you have to drive; or find a designated driver. This decision can save your life and the life of others.

Drinking and driving hurts everyone – through deaths, injuries and personal tragedies. It also hurts our economy through added costs for health care, emergency response and property damage.

Putting a stop to texting while driving. Make a difference today.

Distracted driving is any activity that could divert a person’s attention away from the primary task of driving. All distractions endanger driver, passenger, and bystander safety. DON’T text while driving!

Sending or receiving a text takes a driver’s eyes from the road for an average of 4.6 seconds, the equivalent-at 55 mph-of driving the length of an entire football field, blind. (VTTI)

Drivers who use hand-held devices are 4 times more likely to get into crashes serious enough to injure themselves. (Monash University)

Your child will…

September 21, 2012

Your child will learn about pedestrian safety by watching you, so use safe behavior around cars, roads, footpaths and car parks – always stop, look, listen and think before crossing a road, and use pedestrian crossings wherever possible. Describe what you’re doing each time, so your child can understand why it’s important.

Always use the kerbside, rear passenger door when putting your child into his restraint. This way, your child will get used to always getting in and out of the car through the safest door – the one furthest away from traffic.

It’s important to be sure not to drink when you have to drive; or find a designated driver. This decision can save your life and the life of others.

Drinking and driving hurts everyone – through deaths, injuries and personal tragedies. It also hurts our economy through added costs for health care, emergency response and property damage.

Putting a stop to texting while driving. Make a difference today.

Distracted driving is any activity that could divert a person’s attention away from the primary task of driving. All distractions endanger driver, passenger, and bystander safety. DON’T text while driving!

Sending or receiving a text takes a driver’s eyes from the road for an average of 4.6 seconds, the equivalent-at 55 mph-of driving the length of an entire football field, blind. (VTTI)

Drivers who use hand-held devices are 4 times more likely to get into crashes serious enough to injure themselves. (Monash University)

Driving should be enjoyable by staying safe, respecting others on the road and obeying the road rules.

Young children do not have the skills and abilities needed to be safe in traffic on their own. Teach children to be safe in the car and as a pedestrian on or near the road is a good start.

Children need lots of assistance from adults to manage the considerable risks associated with road use, particularly detecting the presence of traffic and judging the speed and distance of oncoming traffic.

Children learn road safety habits by watching and copying others, so set a good example.

Ensure that your child wears an appropriate and properly adjusted child restraint, booster seat or seatbelt on every car trip.

Teaching traffic safety to your preschooler can ready him for big adventures such as walking to the school bus. It also can promote independence and awareness of potential hazards

The risk of a death or injury crash in an urban 60km/h speed zone increases rapidly even with relatively small increases in speed. The casualty crash risk at 65km/h is about twice the risk at 60km/h. At 70km/h, the casualty crash risk is more than four times the risk at 60km/h.

For pedestrians, the risks are even greater. A person hit by a car travelling at 40km/h has a 25 per cent chance of being killed. Increase the speed to 60km/h and the crash becomes barely survivable with the pedestrian having an 85 per cent chance of being killed

Speeding also increases stopping distances. A car travelling at 60km/h in dry conditions takes about 38 metres to stop. A car travelling at 80km/h takes the length of more than half a football field to come to a stop.

  1. Speak up against speeding. Empower yourself and/or loved ones with life-saving road safety discipline.
  2. Speak up against drink driving. Empower yourself and/or loved ones with life-saving road safety discipline.
  3. Speak up against beating red light. Empower yourself and/or loved ones with life-saving road safety discipline.
  4. Speak up against not buckling-up. Empower yourself and/or loved ones with life-saving road safety discipline.

The importance …

September 21, 2012

The importance of speaking up in your life by expressing your opinions and stop people from doing the risky behaviour stunts in road safety context.

AES – the Automated Enforcement System – which has been much talked-about and anticipated since 2005 will become a reality this coming months when over 1,000 sophisticated cameras are activated around the country.
AES has been proven to do well in place like UK where use of AES resulted in a 42% decrease in deaths and serious injuries within 4 years.

It’s inspiring to see how an increasing number of companies are taking their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities seriously.

Clearly, CSR has progressed beyond traditional notions of being social work, philanthropy or charity and is now a mainstream agenda in thousands of global corporations. It adds value to business and creates a favourable impression in a way that no amount of advertising can do. In fact, it’s even considered a core component in business strategies for the future.

On news reports, we  an see a rising number of corporate initiatives and sustained efforts taken to preserve the environment, reduce carbon footprints, care for the underprivileged and the welfare of children, and protect endangered animals. These are efforts that certainly won’t go unnoticed.

However, one common problem has yet to be properly addressed. And it just happens to be a problem that affects each and every one of us critically, every single day. What have we really done for road safety?

Everyday, more than 3500 people become victims of road crashes around the world. In a year, more than a million lives are lost. Over 50 million more suffer injuries and disabilities. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), road traffic accidents kill more people worldwide than the dreaded Malaria. It’s also the leading cause of death for young people aged 5 to 29.

Just last year, Malaysia recorded over 400,000 road accidents with nearly 30,000 injuries and close to 7,000 deaths. The numbers have been steadily rising over the years. Sadly, the ‘victims’ are often people we know – members of our family, friends, relatives, neighbours and even employees.

Road crashes are preventable. Most of us have read or know of institutes, groups and associations around the world devoted to ensure safety of all road users. Even Malaysia has dedicated departments and agencies to ensure road safety. But they need our support to make a difference.

Road safety has yet to be fully explored as a CSR initiative in Malaysia, so here’s a real opportunity to save lives. Some of the most respected organisations and people around the world today have answered the call for safer roads, understanding the impact such an initiative can make on the economy, on businesses and communities. It’s interesting to note that not all of these companies and individuals are in road-related businesses; some are simply inspired to help.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg initiated a global call to action on road safety and made a contribution of USD125 million to facilitate various global road safety efforts, particularly in low and middleincome countries.

Dato’ Michelle Yeoh, was chosen to be the global ambassador for Make Roads Safe and has made Malaysians proud by being actively involved in many successful road safety initiatives around the world. Clearly, global leaders and members of the international community understand the magnitude of this problem and the need for immediate action.

Road safety has been made a key agenda at the United Nations General Assembly and efforts have been stepped up with the formation of the Decade of Action for Road Safety. This inspiring movement highlights the need for all of us to focus on sustained efforts and on the actual application of plans, ideas and strategies – for the sake of saving lives.

The United Nations General Assembly aims to stabilise and reduce the forecast level of road traffic fatalities around the world by increasing activities conducted at the national, regional and global levels.

CSR can make a positive impact on businesses. By ensuring the safety of our most important assets – our employees – we can create a work environment that’s safe, responsible and productive. Considering the fact that all employees are road users and travel for work-related matters, we are simply spending on ourselves. We stand to benefit directly from our CSR investments.

Successful organisations also understand the importance of making the right impression. By addressing a pressing social need and responding to a critical problem, and by showing respect for human life – we can create a lasting, favourable impression.

As a corporate citizen and an active supporter of road safety for over a decade, Innovate Solutions is inspired to act and make a difference. We have taken a step forward by being the first Malaysian organisation to contribute to the Road Safety Fund for the Decade of Action (read more at and and look forward to help like-minded corporate citizens. Together, and for the sake of each other, we must strive for safer roads.

Do get in touch with us today to take your CSR initiatives further and make a difference that would serve your company, your employees and all Malaysians. Find out more at

Sleep well, fast well

August 19, 2011

During Ramadan, the day often starts very early. It is normal to wake up at 4 am for sahur, followed by prayers. Then life goes on as usual until the break of fast at sunset, followed by prayers again. Do you think you are losing sleep during Ramadan? Here are some tips about healthy sleep patterns. Get at least five to seven hours of quality sleep daily. Quality sleep is un-fragmented, which means you sleep undisturbed. Sleep from 11 pm to 4 am, says Prof Dr Abdullah Sani Mohamed of the Ear Nose Throat Department of UKM, Medical Centre in Cheras.

Use the lunch hour to catch up on sleep if you did not get enough in the night, even if it is in a sitting position. The sleep specialist adds, “I catch 30 minutes to an hour of sleep during lunch. A nap is rejuvenating, especially when one is fasting.”

It is also important to note that sahur is best eaten in the morning not before one goes to sleep. This is because the body needs energy during the day to carry out daily tasks. Do not go back to sleep after sahur as it will cause fragmented sleep and disturb the rhythm of the body for the day.

Sleep well and get enough rest for safer balik kampung journey.

Adapted from New Straits Times, 9 Aug. 2011

Selamat Berbuka Puasa

August 1, 2011

Ramadan Selamat Berpuasa 

Wishing all our Muslim friends and associates

“Selamat Berbuka Puasa” in this holy month of Ramadhan.

Please remember to drive safely and courteously as we travel
on the road to be with our loved ones.

Together we can save millions of lives.


Road Safety Initiative at 1 Utama 21 to 23 Jan 2011

Be a part of our Road Safety Initiative at the 1 Utama Shopping Complex from the 21st to 23rd January 2011.

Together we can make our roads safer.

In line with our support towards the global call for the Decade of Action 2011-2020, we are promoting and encouraging commitment towards road safety, creating awareness among parents and the public on road safety matters.

To learn more about keeping your loved ones safe on the roads, visit us at:
Location: 1 Utama Shopping Complex, Old wing (across Carl’s Junior outlet)
Date: 21-23 January 2011
Time: 10am – 10pm

We look forward to your support and we certainly hope to be able to meet you and share with you our innovative ideas and solutions.

See you there!